Have a Good Summer!

Alecka Camp’s research poster: Virtual Communication: Processing Fluency of Emojis in Popular Mobile Social Media

Thanks for stopping by to check out our posters at CURCA.  If you missed out, you can see the posters here, or you can email us to get a copy.  You can also check out the video Dr. Carsten Braun shot here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxWrI561Ijs&feature=youtu.be.  Check me out at the 1:20 mark!

We’ll be taking somewhat of a break in research over the summer.  When fall semester returns, we’ll be adding at least one new member to the lab, and our department will be incorporating new data-collection methods with Sona System.  Stay tuned for publication announcements, too!

Jose Reyes’ research poster for Comparing Taste and Smell: A BrainMap Meta-Analysis