New Lab Members!

You may remember that last semester, everyone (except me) in the lab graduated! (Is this connection causal? Maybe I should advertise that…) Now that it’s Fall 2018, we’re looking towards the future, and we’ve increased our lab roster. I’m so excited for the new members! They are:

Katie Chapman
Olivia Gwynn
Kayla Ovelheiro
Cameron (Cam) Swan
Allison Webster

What a strong line-up, right? If you know any of these students, you know how smart, dedicated, and hard-working they are. I couldn’t have hoped for a better group of people to work with.
They all have their own individual research interests, but we’ll all be working together on a variety of upcoming projects. Some of those will be finishing data collection for the projects by Corinne Ouellette and Ashley Giglietti. Some of those will be starting new projects of their own! We’ll have fun this semester, except when we fail to reject the null hypothesis. 🙂