We’re in the Boston Globe!

Our last post mentioned that we had an article in press. We’ll it’s here! “Emojis affect processing fluency on social media” was published in Psychology of Popular Media Culture, and you can access it here: https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2018-61350-001. Or if you ask, we’ll send you a copy!

Alecka Camp and I have been interviewed by a few places interested in sharing the news. We went to Springfield MA to record a brief segment in the New England Public Radio studios; the Boston Globe got in touch, and the PsyPost found us too. Neat!

And Alecka and I have two more of emoji projects in the works. I’ll keep you in the loop as those projects continue to move forward, but we’re really excited to show you what we’ve been working on. [insert happy emoji] [insert 100 emoji]